All about the good the bad and the down right hilarious moments of owning (or being owned by) pets!

Monday 23 February 2015

The Cat-Flap Story.

So recently we have had to do some 'home improvement' owing to the fact that Freya, in all her puppy wisdom, decided that cat litter was in fact fine dining and spent a vast amount of time trying to sneak into the bathroom and stuff herself.

After much deliberation we decided the solution would be to instal a cat-flap into the bathroom door.  Which we did... Thus we spent the best part of a week trying to show the cats how it worked, poking it open from both sides and holding it up for both of them to go through. Godric kept trying to push the bottom of it as if that would lift the flap and Loki would stare at you through it until you opened it for him.

We tried food and toys, coaxing and reassurance but or efforts were in vain! Our cats really don't get the concept of a cat flap, so much of the week was also spent being butlers for their whim to enter and leave the bathroom.

What our cats do get however is holes. So we had to actually had to remove the flap itself leaving us a nice framed hole in our bathroom door so the cats can get to the litter and Freya can't. Given our cats particular personalities I have dubbed this the 'portal of perv' because for some strange reason they both seem to like watching folks on the toilet.

We are all betting Freya will get her head stuck in it at some point... Stay tuned for pictures and stories!

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