All about the good the bad and the down right hilarious moments of owning (or being owned by) pets!

Saturday 14 February 2015

My cat is an asshole... (why I love Feliway)

There is no easy way to admit to yourself that your pet is a jerk, even though most cat owners know deep down that their cats are at least a percent of a jerk, I mean cats are cats right? They knock glasses of water off of sides, meow and poke you at 6am because they want food, general cat jerkiness.

So what makes Loki different from this normal level of jerk cat and pushes him into full on asshole territory?

Biting... all the damn time. Loki earned the middle name of Oni (meaning demon in Japanese) because apart from his mischief antics, like being found half way up the curtains or on the tops of high cupboards etc, he had a penchant for attacking and biting humans.

So what exactly is Feliway you may be wondering and why do I love it so much? Well to start I shall give you a link to the product on a site I use a lot to order it. Feliway is a product that calms and soothes cats via the use of cat pheromones, making it completely odorless to humans and other animals. It comes in a plug in and a spray but we tend to just use the plug in.

So why do I love it? Well Loki could almost be the poster child for this product. No really I am not joking if the makers are reading this my cat could sell your product big time! Also THANK YOU!! When the Feliway is plugged in Loki goes from angry attack cat / mrbiteyourface to the most sweet and loving cat you have ever seen. He loves kisses and cuddles and will wash your arm forever with sandpaper kisses.

When we run out, which we sadly do as this product is a tiny bit costly and generally lasts 4ish weeks so sometimes runs out before payday, we are damn near held hostage until it arrives. Day one without Feliway Loki becomes grumpy and offish which is not to bad. Day two without Feliway he starts becoming increasingly aggressive and by day three he is back to full blown asshole mode, biting people in the head and generally being horrid to Godric.

I would recommend any owner of a troubled cat to get this product because it has literally changed our lives. Loki is so much happier and affectionate, isn't territorial anymore (we had issues with him... erm... marking people as well as objects) and is just generally the cat he was meant to be. It has also worked wonders for Godric the neurotic one.

So there you have it, Loki is still a menace but a much more loving and happy menace.

I am just going to leave a link to Feliway's website here so you can check it out for yourself.

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